Press Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — Monday, March 16, 2009

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers,
Local l03 of Greater Boston
256 Freeport Street
Dorchester, MA 02122
Tel: (617) 436-3710
For Further Information, Contact:
Lou Antonellis, Business Representative IBEW Local 103,
617-797-1616 (cell), 617-436-3710 x 5 (office)
or Pat Clark, 718-852-2808
Union To Protest Building Permits For
EMD Serono at Billerica Planning Board Meeting
Dozens of members of Local 103 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, AFL-CIO, who are Billerica residents and unemployed or underemployed will make their presence felt at Billerica's Planning Board Meeting which will be held at Billerica Town Hall (365 Boston Rd., Billerica) on Monday, March 16 at 7 pm. Informational picketing will begin outside the Town Hall at 6 pm.
The Planning Board will continue discussion of whether to approve EMD Serono's building permits to construct a new facility in town. The permits are being challenged by Local 103 over a number of issues.
Local 103 wants the Planning Board to adequately address a number of concerns of Billerica residents and Local 103 members.
Questions for the Planning Board will cover such issues as:
1. Why are the Germany-based upper echelons of leadership of EMD Serono being allowed to make decisions adversely impacting the lives of workers and residents of Billerica?
2. What kinds and amounts of biohazardous and chemical waste materials will be produced at EMD Serono's new facility? Where and how will wastes materials be disposed, and who will monitor and be in charge of the disposal?
3. What kind of animal experiments will take place in the facility? Will the experiments be done on mice, rats, cats, dogs, monkeys, farm or other animals or creatures. Will any animal experimentation be performed that could be done without using these creatures? What protections and monitoring procedures are in place to absolutely ensure the humane treatment of any animals used in the laboratories?
4. Does the Planning Board think it is reasonable and fair that EMD Serono receives millions in corporate welfare for its building project while the company pays its executives millions in compensation yet the company's general contractors use subcontractors who refuse to hire union electricians and other local workers who are graduates of the best apprentice training programs, earn area-standard wages and benefits (including health coverage) and deliver top quality work at job sites that are constantly monitored for safe working conditions?
The seven members of Billerica's Planning Board are:
Paul A. Marasco - Chairman (978-439-9109)
Justin McCarthy - Vice Chairman (978-663-6772)
Marti Mahoney - Secretary (978-663-9098)
Edward R. McLaughlin - Member (978-663-5316)
Richard J. Baraldi (978-663-37810
Vincent D. MacDonald (978-671-9323)
Robert W. Casey (978-667-5308)