Press Release

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers,
Local l03 of Greater Boston
256 Freeport Street
Dorchester, MA 02122
Tel: (617) 436-3710
For Further Information, Contact:
Lou Antonellis, Business Representative IBEW Local 103,
617-797-1616 (cell), 617-436-3710 x 5 (office)
or Pat Clark, 718-852-2808
Unions Fight Back Against Biotech/Pharmaceutical Industry
Attacks on Organized Labor, Patients and Health Care Consumers
Date: Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Time: 10 a.m.
Place: Steps of front entrance to State House (on Beacon Street)
Union leaders will:
- call on Gov. Patrick to rescind appointment of a prominent economic advisor
- announce their lobbying SUPPORT FOR Senate Bill #17 to protect patients and health care consume rs
- Mike Monahan, Business Manager, IBEW Local 103
- Frank Callahan, President, Massachusetts Building Trades Council
- Robert Haynes, President, Massachusetts AFL-CIO
- Ray Rogers, Director, Corporate Campaign, Inc.
- Representatives of other unions
- Rank and file union members
Great Photo Opportunities
- Workers will be holding large placards:
- highlighting exorbitant compensation paid to biotech executives and board members and unethical and criminal behavior of certain companies
- appealing to Gov. Patrick to dismiss a prominent economic advisor from his Council of Economic Advisors
- Workers will visit all legislative offices in the State House to lobby and deliver a brochure titled "Why Are Taxpayers Feeding Biotech Fat Cats?" while lobbying for the passage of Senate Bill #17.
- A large colorful mobile billboard entitled " Fund Cities & Towns, Not Biotech Fat Cats" will leave the State House area and begin its initial tour through Waltham, Lexington, Framingham and Billerica to protest the expansion of Biotech firms in those communities. Radio ads promoting are running daily on WTKK Talk Radio 96.9 FM. A coalition of unions have partnered with mobile ad company Guerrilla Billboards of Topsfield, MA to bring their message to other neighborhoods and communities, including Federal Street, the location of the Boston headquarters of Gilbane Corp., another target of the unions' campaign.